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Green Atlas Cartographer

Fruit Counts

Fruit Sizing

Blossom Counts

Canopy Height

Canopy Area

Canopy Density


Fruit Color




And More...



The Green Atlas Cartographer is an innovative combination of hardware and software that allows flower and fruit counts to be quickly and accurately mapped over entire orchards. With high resolution AI assisted mapping, our customers know every block and every tree, to help manage the life cycle from flower to fruit.


Orchard View

Know the relative performance of different blocks, comparing overall yield and the evenness of the distribution. Know how well your thinning program worked and adapt for next year.


Block View

Know the variability within each block. Determine management zones to address variability and achieve consistency every year.


Tree View

Zoom in and know exactly what’s going on like Google Street View™ for the orchard. Visually inspect high resolution color images anywhere.


Canopy View

Go beyond 2D and know the performance of the lower and upper canopy. The trees on the right are one year older and bear more fruit up top, while the lower canopy has been managed evenly. Predict the increased harvest labor with more fruit in the upper canopy. During flowering, manage the different timing of lower and upper canopy bloom.


Geometry View

Cartographer uses LiDAR to measure tree canopy geometry throughout the orchard. This includes tree height, canopy area/volume and canopy density. Define treatment zones or make informed spray and pruning decisions throughout the season! Top right: apple tree volume; Bottom right: wine grape vine volume.


Multiple Crops

The Cartographer has been busy working across multiple crop types including Apples, Almonds, Cherries, Kiwifruit and Wine Grapes across the spectrum of fruit lifecycle, from flowering to mature fruit, and in the case of almonds, post-harvest to map ‘mummified’ nuts left on the trees. 

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Green Atlas Example Datasets

To see what the Green Atlas Cartographer is capable of in a variety of crop types and to experience a live demonstration of the web-based Green Atlas visualization tool, please click the button below.

Note: that registration is required to view the example datasets.

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